Booking paragliding tandem flights

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Puy de Dôme paragliding tandems


Paragliding courses


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Parapente Puy de Dôme

Paragliding andem flight

Paragliding tandem flight is an opportunity for you to discover unforgettable and magical sensations in a unique place: Puy de Dôme! Perched at an altitude of almost 2000 meters, our instructors will make you discover paragliding according to your desires! An experience you will remember for the rest of your life! Flights are open to all: children, beginners, the elderly and people with disabilities.


Good flight, my friend

We would like to announce the death of Henri during his trip to Peru. We don't know the circumstances of his accident. We will miss your good humour and energy. All the spirit you gave us will live on.

Stage progression


Freedom Parapente is a paragliding school offering paragliding courses to learn to fly independently. We offer 5 types of courses in small groups of homogeneous levels.

Gite Laschamps Puy de Dôme 63
bon cadeau Freedom

Gift Voucher

Offer a paragliding tandem flight, an unusual gift that is sure to please them! Choose the offer and the options that will satisfy his desires!

Atelier contrôle de voile


The workshop offers you its services for any control, revision, or repair of paraglider gliders. In delivery or directly at the local, don't hesitate to consign your glider to us!


Test paragliding in Puy-de-Dôme with Freedom


Ever wanted to fly? Do you want to escape? From a unique experience? The paragliding school of Puy de Dôme, Freedom Parapente, welcomes you to make you live your dream. From tandem flight to courses, our professionals share their passion for paragliding and share with you the unique sensations of flying. Whether you choose to do a paragliding tandem flight at Puy de Dôme or to follow courses in our paragliding school, in Auvergne, you will be supervised by an experienced and qualified team, which counts a number of hours of impressive flight! Are you interested in paragliding in Puy-de-Dôme? Come visit us at our paragliding school at the foot of Puy-de-Dôme, Orcine, or call us.


Why choose Freedom?


Freedom is the N°1 paragliding school in the Puy de Dôme with a team of 16 people. State-qualified instructors, teachers and tandem pilots; passionate people who will be able to pass on their love and knowledge of their sport, the Auvergne and the Puys chain. A team with a lot of humour and always professional, who will know how to put you in confidence and will make you forget the little stress before the flight.


Beautiful landscapes to discover by testing paragliding in Auvergne


You visited Auvergne, you are native of the region, you think well to know it? Have you ever seen it from above? By making a paragliding jump in Puy-de-Dôme, the whole Puy chain is waiting for you. Wonderful landscapes that only people testing paragliding in Clermont-Ferrand can admire. An adrenaline rush, some thrills and here you are doing a paragliding flight over Puy-de-Dôme.

Discover all our paragliding flights at Puy de Dôme

Baptême parapente enfant Puy de Dôme enfant

Children's flight

Paragliding is also suitable for children (from 25kg) with equipment adjusted to their size and weight for maximum safety. An unforgettable discovery of the sky for our little ones!

Baptême parapente Puy de Dôme découverte

Discovery flight

A flight where you will discover the sensation of flying around the Puy de Dôme. After this experience, you will only want to do it again!

Baptême parapente Puy de Dôme pédagogique

Educational flight

To learn and understand how the aircraft works! Throughout the flight, your instructor will explain how a paraglider glider works: take-off, piloting controls, risks and anticipations to have, exploit the aerial domain, to finish with the construction of the landing. Come and discover paragliding from a new angle!

Baptême parapente Puy de Dôme adrénaline

Adrenaline flight

For even more thrills, the adrenaline option will allow you to experience extreme sensations like you've never experienced before! Perform tricks such as spins, wing over, stalls, ... that you will remember for the rest of your life!

Baptême parapente Puy de Dôme VIP

VIP flight

For those who want the top of the top, the longest flight (about 30 minutes), with the adrenalin flights and the learning of the pedagogical flight. Time for the instructor and for you to gain height in ascending flight conditions, to fly further and further around the Puy de Dôme. The must ! In addition, leave with the video of your flight and a video montage made by a professional laboratory with animation and music, to share it with all your friends and keep a memory of this incredible experience.

Baptême parapente Puy de Dôme longue durée

Long-duration flight

For those who want more and want to prolong the fun. The flight will last about 30 minutes instead of 15! Time for the instructor and for you to gain height, to fly higher and further around the Puy de Dôme. Awesome!


Why don't you go paragliding?


The tandem flight is an opportunity for you to discover paragliding in all its forms. Accompanied by a qualified instructor, you have the possibility to choose the flight that suits you with our different offers and options.


We propose 6 formulas to satisfy all desires:

  • Children's flight : tandem flight adapted to children 
  • Discovery flight: focused on the discovery of the first sensations in flight.
  • Educational flight: focused on the functioning of the paraglider, understanding how it reacts, how to fly it. You will have the opportunity to take the controls guided by your instructor for a few minutes.
  • Adrenaline flight: focused on thrills and acrobatics in flight.
  • Long-duration flight: a long flight to enjoy even longer! 
  • VIP flight: the all-inclusive formula: long flight, sensations, pedagogy and control. In other words, the instructor will adapt to all your desires. In addition to everything else, a video montage of your baptism, with animation and music, will be made and sent to you a few days later. Enough to keep a perfect souvenir!


We have also created options (free or paid) to complement and enhance your flight:

  • Duo or patrol option - Free: To fly with two or more people. Your instructors will fly close to each other to enjoy this incredible experience together.
  • Video option - 20€: Leave with the video of your flight, on an SD card or your phone, filmed with a high quality onboard camera. A nice souvenir of your flight.
  • video editing option - 40€: receive, by email( with a download link), a few days after your flight, a video montage with music of the best moments of your flight and your complete video.

More informations below.


A unique experience!


Coming to paragliding at the Puy de Dôme will allow you to see the Chaîne des Puys and Clermont Ferrand as you have never seen it before! Moreover, the Puy de Dôme is one of the most beautiful places in Auvergne, France and even in the world as it has recently been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the Chaîne des Puys-faille de Limagne.

Paragliding at the Puy de Dôme is open to all; children and adults; from 25 to 100kg (up to 110 kilos on request by telephone). Indeed, Freedom Parapente has a complete equipment adapted to everyone.

So will you take up the challenge to gain height?


To find out what happens and practical information about paragliding baptisms in the Puy de Dôme, you can find the answers on our FAQ page.


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Last opinions about Freedom Parapente

Superbe vol avec des paysages magnifiques ! Tout ça grâce à Camille et son experience qui nous ont permis de faire un super vol malgré des conditions incertaines. Nous en gardons un très bon souvenir, merci pour ta sympathie et ton professionnalisme. (01/07/2024)
July 2024
Dapon Karine
Après plusieurs vols en tandem ici ou ailleurs je voulais un vol pétillant mission accomplie avec Freedom 😃 et Pierre Alexandre dont je ne peux écrire toutes ses qualités car il en a bien trop 😀
Me retrouver en plein vol en face à face avec le moniteur à 2000 m au dessus du puy de dôme c’était une première !! Avec en prime quelques belles rotations épicées : ce fut EXTRA mais pas ORDINAIRE je veux dire EXTRAORDINAIRE 😀
De tous mes vols en tandem celui-ci fut hors norme un vrai régal une véritable thérapie dans les airs ou belles sensations et grandes émotions furent au rendez-vous
Alors j’ai envie de vous écrire tout simplement MERCI pour tout ça, merci de faire partager votre passion avec autant de professionnalisme et de sympathie
Bel été, belle saison les Amis et je vous dis à très bientôt dans les airs avec Freedom c’est sur… Mai 2024
June 2024
PRESENT Mélusine et Youna
Super experience ! Merci beaucoup à Cam et Charles (et non pas Claude) de nous avoir bien accompagné et bien fait rire :)
A refaire !!
June 2024
Lamure Sylviane
Super baptême découverte avec Pierre Alexandre, moniteur sympathique et rassurant. Merci à lui pour la super vidéo qu'il m'a faite. Freedom, merci pour votre bon accueil téléphonique et votre site web intéressant. Merci aussi à Dame Nature pour ce merveilleux paysage par un temps magnifique, en ce 6 octobre 2023 matin.
October 2023
ZJAK Samuel
Merci à toute l'équipe pour mon baptême et en particulier à Camille avec qui j'ai vécu une expérience incroyable !!!
À bientôt...
October 2023
do Nascimento Justine
merci vraiment au moniteur la journée du 19 vol magnifique super gentil vraiment du 9 sur 10 merci pour sa gentillesse pas de prenons mais bien bronzé sur le visage excellent merci merci
September 2023
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